Step Outside in July Challenge

Join us for the Step outside July Challenge!

Do you like to move it, move it? If so, this challenge is for you!

THE GOAL: Log as many steps as you can between July 1-31, 2021.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Keep track of the number of steps you take each day on the Google Form and/or the Step Tracker Log.


  • Track your steps with a pedometer. Pedometers are available upon request!
  • Track your steps with a fitness watch. Examples include FitBit, Apple Watch, Garmin or something similar.
  • Track your steps with a Smartphone app. There are many free apps that can be used to track steps and physical activity. If you have an iPhone, us the the Health App (click here for help setting up this feature on your iPhone). If you have an Android phone, use the Google Fit App (click here for help setting up this feature on your Android phone).

No step counter device? No worries!

How to manually count your steps: During a brisk walk or roll in a wheelchair you take about 100 steps per minute.  So multiply the number of minutes you walk by 100 to get your steps.
For example:
If you walk/roll for 15 minutes… 15 minutes x 100 steps = 1,500 steps

If you walk/roll for 30 minutes… 30 minutes x 100 steps = 3,000 steps
If you walk/roll for 45 minutes… 45 minutes x 100 steps = 4,500 steps

10,000 Steps Goal

The average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day or roughly 1.5 to 2 miles(Mayo Clinic, 2020).
Taking 10,000 steps a day, or roughly 5 miles, is considered a healthy goal if you want to be reasonably fit and give your overall wellness a boost.

Please note, 10,000 steps might not be an appropriate goal for you right out of the gate. It is important to get a baseline for how many steps you take now, then you can work up to the goal of 10,000 steps by aiming to add 1,000 extra steps a day every two weeks.

Logging your steps each day

Remember to log your steps each day!

Click here to submit your score online each day and be included on the leaderboard.

Download the Step Into July Tracker and keep track of your steps offline. Just be sure to submit your log by the deadline, 9/6/2021.


A grand prize will be awarded to both the athlete and the Unified partner/family member/volunteer, etc. who takes the most steps during the month.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to be the “top stepper” to earn a prize! Prizes will be awarded to committed steppers halfway through the month and again at the end of the month through a random drawing.

For More Information

Coby Smith, Facility and Activities Manager
3200 Mountain View Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99501
1-888-499-7625 (toll free in Alaska)
1-907-222-7625 (ext 611)
1-907-222-6200 (fax)
Special Olympics Alaska Jim Balamaci Training Center
3200 Mountain View Dr. Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 1-907-222-7625
Toll Free (in Alaska): 1-888-499-7625