COVID -19 Response

Return to Activities

On this page you will find the protocols and accompanying materials for guidance on Returning to Activities (R2A) during the COVID-19 crisis. Special Olympics Alaska will update this page with any new communications on an ongoing basis.

We want you to know we are doing everything we can to be proactive in protecting our athletes, volunteers, coaches and the entire Special Olympics Alaska community as we phase back into in-person activities. Your health and safety are our top priority.

In addition to the following guidelines and materials, we recommend following the advice and instructions of the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and World Health Organization.

Please continue to wash your hands frequently use hand sanitizer and build your immune system via healthy habits
like regular physical activity, getting adequate sleep and eating healthy!

Revised Return to Activities
Protocol - December 2022

Special Olympics has updated guidance on return to in-person activities to reflect the latest information on COVID-19. This guidance is based on the latest information from the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health authorities and created in consultation with a team of global medical experts and with input from Special Olympics stakeholders.

This updated protocol categorizes an activity/event into either Low Risk, Moderate Risk, or Significant Risk or Very High Risk category based on the COVID transmission in a community and the rate of vaccination among participants in the activity. There are set precautions and mitigation strategies in place for each risk category. Read more by visiting the website or looking through the full protocol (links provided below).

We will continue to follow case count data from the Alaska Department of Health and Human Services. Please click here to view the Alaska COVID-19 Data Hub and check the map for your community's case count per 100,000 over a 7-day period.

If you are in the following communities, please use your borough/community website for a more accurate look at COVID cases and the current risk level:

Vaccination Tracking

In order to determine the appropriate level of Return to Activities, Special Olympics Alaska will be asking participants to provide their COVID-19 vaccination status. If a participant declines to voluntarily offer their vaccination status, they will be considered non-vaccinated for the purpose of planning and determining risk level.

Click here to complete the COVID-19 Vaccination Status form.

Participation Forms During the Phases of Return to Activity

SO-AK COVID-19 Communicable
Disease Waiver

This form must be reviewed, signed and returned prior to any participant (athlete, Unified partner, coach, volunteer, etc) taking part in Special Olympics Alaska activities.

COVID-19-Participant-Code-of-Conduct- and-Risk-Form-June-2021 (Updated)

This form must be reviewed, signed and returned prior to any participant (athlete, Unified partner, coach, volunteer, etc) taking part in Special Olympics Alaska activities.

SOAK COVID-19 Screening and Tracking Form for Activities (Updated June 2021)

This Screening Protocol will be implemented at the start of each activity. The Tracking Form will be used to keep accurate record of who has attended activities in case the need for contact tracing arises.

Special Olympics Alaska Jim Balamaci
Training Center - Return to Activities

Special Olympics Alaska Jim Balamaci Training Center - Return to Activities The Special Olympics Alaska Jim Balamaci Training Center will follow the above risk levels. Please visit the facility webpage for more information regarding the current COVID protocols and activities.

All users will be required to sign in at the entrance. Users will be asked to record their name, contact number, and vaccination status. Depending on the current risk level status, there may be a full COVID screening, including COVID related questions and temperature check.

Contact for more information regarding using the Jim Balamaci Training Center.

Read information from Special Olympics International about COVID-19